Our Birth

It was a warm night in New Orleans in 2016, somewhere between the visit to the House of Blues the next morning. There were lots of conversations with many Sitecore MVPs regarding how people would interact with the Reputation Engine. 

After quite a few drinks the decision was made and then came the birth of DAIN or as most people know him @SitecoreDain. There has been a lot of POC work done that has made it back into my core. Some of which will become articles on this blog.

Now Dain was happy but was also a little lonely, he would bug SitecoreRobbie and Eric Ramseur and Corey Smith but he needed a companion. After some discussion with Dan Solovay and then not soon after Brent Pinkstaff, the decision was made to introduce Diana. The point of having the two personalities was to establish a way to A + B test the algorithms. Initially they both use the same algorithms but different initial data. This gave them the personality. Dain would act positive and Diana negative.  This worked for some tests but as we progress Dain will start to use different algorithms than Diana and both will process the same data. Then we can determine which algorithm is working better in given situations.

Well that is everything at a high level. We will go deeper as we continue to evolve over the next year. We look forward to continue to learn from everyone in the community.


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